JC Plumbing

Have a plumbing-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Should I call a plumber for a clogged drain?

    With a plethora of liquid drain cleaners at any big-box store, it’s no surprise many homeowners attempt to clear a clogged drain on their own. The trouble with DIY drain cleaning methods is that they can cause more damage to your pipes than you realize. Your drains are an essential part of your property that should be taken care of with precision and accuracy. Store-bought liquid solutions or even drain-snaking methods can cause harm to your plumbing system. Using at-home methods of drain cleaning involves unnecessary guesswork that only temporarily masks your plumbing problems instead of solving them all together.

    Eco-friendly drain cleaning is the best way to clear your drains and pipes. Chemical-laden drain cleaners use toxic ingredients that create slime and sludge within your pipes that speed up the pipe corrosion process, causing more damage in the long run. Instead of trying to fix your clogged drain problems on your own, call your trusted area plumbers at JC Plumbing.

  • Should I call a plumber for a leaking toilet?

    Small issues that cause your toilet to leak are ok to handle on your own. Replacing a faulty flapper, for example, is a simple DIY task. For more complicated leaking toilet problems, call the professional technicians at JC Plumbing. To determine how severe the toilet leak is, first find the source of the leak. If water is coming from the base, try tightening the bolts that hold the toilet to the floor. If that does not help, you’ll need to remove the toilet from the floor and replace the wax rings that sit under the bolts. If the toilet is leaking from the tank, ensure that you have no cracks and that the hose is secured to the base of the toilet. Depending on the age of your toilet, it may be time to replace it, which our team at JC Plumbing will happily do for you.

  • How long does a water heater last?

    The longevity of your water heater depends on the style and upkeep of the unit.

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